
Temper tantrums in toddlers: How to keep the peace

What's the best way to respond to a tantrum?

Typically, the best way to respond to a tantrum is to stay calm. If you respond with loud, angry outbursts, your child might imitate your behavior. Shouting at a child to calm down is also likely to make things worse.

Instead, try to distract your child. A different book, a change of location or making a funny face might help. If you've asked your child to do something against his or her will, follow through by offering to help. If you've asked your child not to play in a certain area, consider showing him or her where playing is OK.

If your child is hitting or kicking someone or trying to run into the street, stop the behavior by holding him or her until he or she calms down.

When your child quiets down, calmly explain your rules.

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